Silver, our Shetland pony, grows a shaggy coat in wintertime. He sheds it in the spring, but he always has enough mane and tail for two ponies!

Ms. Barb puts Gabby into the horse trailer for a ride.

Mr. Bill and Ms. Lorraine will teach you all about ponies when you visit Pony Tales Farm! That's Gabby on the left and Jenny on the right.

Ms. Lorraine shows the kids all about hoofpicking to keep Hobo's feet healthy!

Charlie shows us how not to ride Little Big Man!

That's better!

Little Big Man and Ms. Lorraine look forward to seeing you this summer!

BK (Barn Kitty) is always happy to see the kids!

Here's Jack, waiting to see you when you come to visit!

Click Here to see more Pony Snow Fun Pictures!!!!

The wonder of a gentle touch

The ponies get frisky outside in their pen! That's Jenny kicking up her heels.

Little Big and Spirit pose for a portrait

Lorraine and Bill hard at work with Hobo and Gabby

Zach is having a great Birthday Party with Little Big Man!

Don't look now, Little Big Man - Spirit is telling Silver a secret about you!

Riding out on lesson day

Hobo with a knight at the Great Lakes Medieval Fayre

Pumpkin is a new kitten at the barn.

Fluffy is Pumpkin's sister!

Our very first Pony Clinic in 1999!

Windy loves to have her hair braided!

Ms. Lorraine and Mr. Bill at the fair!

Spirit plays Peek-a-Boo

Mr. Bill and Spirit get their hair cut by the same stylist

Aaron the Blacksmith shows Charlie how to file Hobo's hooves while Aaron's dog Tiny watches on.

Mr. Bill and Tiny wait for Aaron the Blacksmith to finish trimming the ponies' hooves.

Aaron trims Jack's hooves

Hobo stands nicely for his pedicure

Click Here to learn more about blacksmithing, and to see more pictures of Aaron at work!

Ruby goes for a run

Mr. Bill and his sidekick, Jenny

Little Big Man runs through the snow with the greatest of ease!

Margarite goes for a ride. Are you next?

Hobo and Gabby at Toys "R" Us! Proof that ponies love toys, too!